sciocco patrocinando

ow yao dowin today? grrrreat ta, yao? Bostin ta! Listen me flowa, our betty's havin a do down the con club if yao and your jim fancy poppin' along? i heard she's had a new do un all!!! Anyhow, i'd best be off cocker, i've gotta get some cream for me fowrid... tara....

Friday, June 16, 2006

You know, i thought i'd get annoyed that no-one comments (and therefore i assume no-one actually reads) on my blog but i'm not really. I quite enjoy the quiet comtemplation of it all....aaaahhhhhh.... As i'm sure most of you well know, i have enough pet hates and annoyances that, if i really want to, i could write practically a million words on each of a huge plethora of weird and slightly creepy subjects and pet hates! True enough, most of my comments are about new types of alcohol i've discovered or drink-realted issues, but some of them aren't quite as predictable eh? Damn....i've just walked away from the computer and now ahve nothin' to say, to make it worse i have alcohol munchies horrendously! -tata...


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